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With FireSafe.tv get access to over 50 different fire safety and prevention videos. With subjects ranging from smoke alarms to office fire safety, FireSafe.tv has the video resources you need to educate populations young and old. Subscribe to FireSafe.TV and gain access to the entire library on-demand and new releases.
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A fun and engaging animated video featuring our favorite smoke alarm Alert Bert! This video focuses on the ...
Home Fire Drills: Practice Your Escape Plan offers a complete guide to protecting families from the dangers of residential ...
This informative video is targeted to homeowners and presents five simple steps for protecting a home with smoke ...
"Fire Safety: Lessons for Life" features serious, in-depth interviews with fire survivors and the firefighters on the front ...
This emotional drama illustrates to children that ignoring the safety rules taught at school can have devastating consequences. ...
There are candles in seven out of ten homes, and every one of them carries the potential for ...
A great addition to juvenile fire setter programs, this video prompts important fire safety discussion and illustrates why ...
This graphic, true story of a burn victim emphasizes that fire setting and arson are criminal and dangerous ...
Show members of your community how to help the fire department by making homes fire-safe. Identifies the hazardous ...
Getting kids excited about fire safety in the home is easy with this video. Captain Eric covers the ...
"Watch What You Heat: Prevent Home Fires" takes viewers through a home hot spot inspection tour. The major ...
"Not a Moment to Spare: Day-Care Fire Safety" provides day-care center staff members with an overview of fire-safety ...
Cooking Fire Safety: Watch What You Heat! presents a detailed look at how to prevent fires and other ...
A panel of youthful reporters from channel KNN, the Kids News Network, conducts interviews with the Fire Chief ...
Stretch the Ladder Truck and the Fire Safe Kids teach children what to do if their clothes catch ...
Join Stretch the Ladder Truck and his friends as they teach children not to touch matches and lighters, ...
This video uses music and humor to teach young kids how to safely and quickly evacuate during a ...
Team up with our narrators in "Covering the Bases: Strike Out Fire!" to cover the basics of fire ...
"Coping with Terrorism in a Changing World" describes the dynamics of terrorism, as well as where and how ...
"Bioterrorism: Facing the Threat and Staying Safe" educates the public on the six diseases considered most likely to ...
People over the age of 65 are three times more likely to die in a fire than younger ...
Smoke alarms have cut the risk of fire fatalities by 50 percent. Yet, many more people die because ...
Red the Fire Dog leads a class field trip to a fire station, where he shows young viewers ...
With "Fire Drills at School," students learn about the important steps involved with having a safe and effective ...
Home fires erupt over 460,000 times a year in America, claiming the lives of 4,320 people a year ...
Myth: Fires spread slowly. Truth: There is actually very little time, and people must be prepared and know ...
The Home Fire Evacuation DVD begins with a family doing a very realistic fire drill at night. Homeowners ...
"Holiday Fire Safety" warns viewers that the risk of fires in and around the home increases during holidays. ...
This video teaches kitchen safety through engaging computer graphics and demonstrations. It identifies potential hazards, including clothing, spills, ...
Over 3,000 people die in residential fire-related accidents every year. Understanding the dangers of having flammable liquids like ...
Acting as detectives, Lucy and Red the Fire Dog find home hot spots (fire hazards) like heaters, overloaded ...
Join Red the Fire Dog as he teaches children how to make a safe escape! With vivid graphics ...
While hiking in the woods, Smokey Bear teaches a group of children how forest fires start and how ...
"Fire Drills: The Great Escape" is an attention-grabbing lesson in the importance of conducting proper, frequent fire drills ...
A daring group of kids are ever alert in promoting fire safety. They track down homes with faulty ...
"Workplace Fire Safety: Make It Your Business" documents the goals of workplace fire safety programs - eliminating hazards, ...
This video covers a wide range of safety lessons for young children. The cheerful puppets, Bobby and Cindy, ...
Wags and Freckles are two lovable dogs who stumble upon some half-empty beer bottles. They decide to taste ...
Eli Sprightly, the lovable puppet engineer, steers children in the right direction when dealing with stranger situations. He ...
The Safe Babysitting gives young people suggestions on how to make the process of babysitting safe and enjoyable. ...